As his mother lays dying, Powell writes, in real-time, in the voice of a man seized by emotions previously unknown to him. Ordinary Magic breathes profound life into the crucial questions posed by works like Atul Gawande’s Being Mortal – on how to live, die, and be there for others, meaningfully.
When time is running out, what does it mean to be a warrior? What does it mean to show up for those we love? Ordinary Magic is an inspiring true story of the resilience available to all of us, and a meditation on the power and practice of love.
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Some people die without ever having really lived.
{That's not Inge}
The end of the Camino: Inge reaches the famous cathedral in Santiago de Compostela.

Author Cameron Powell
Cameron Powell is a writer, six-time startup entrepreneur, consultant and coach, a largely repentant lawyer, and a semi-pro karaokist. Once upon a time, as a young lawyer, he got to say “Your honor, I represent the United States.” In early childhood pictures there is evidence of his mother committing lederhosen. He is a graduate of the University of Colorado at Boulder and Harvard Law School. A rugged indoorsman, he nevertheless spent the last five years skiing and hiking around Telluride and Boulder, Colorado, and he’s now chosen to live in San Francisco.